Tuesday 30 May 2017

Speciesism - discrimination in favor of one species over another

Stab a dog in the throat: Animal murderer
Stab a pig in the throat: Circle of life

Cut a rhino's horns off: "Poacher scum! Hang him!"
Cut a bull's horns off: De-horning

Hack a dog's tail off: Demented animal torturer
Hack a lamb's tail off: Tail docking

Shove your fist up a cat's vagina and pump her full of semen: Perverted, twisted, animal molester
Shove your fist up a cow's vagina and pump her full of semen: Artificial insemination

Lock a cat in a cage for 5 months: Animal abuser
Lock a pig in a gestation crate for 5 months: Quality-assured pork

Kill a lion and pose in a photo with the corpse: Demonised across the world's media
Kill a pig and pose in a photo with the corpse: "Nice! What time does the BBQ start?"

Breed dogs for the sole purpose of slitting their throats: "What an abhorrent and sickening idea! Shut this place down!"
Breed turkeys for the sole purpose of slitting their throats: "They were bred for that purpose!"

Herd dogs into a gas chamber: Nazi
Herd pigs into a gas chamber: Food chain

Boil a dog alive: Savage; uncivilised; grotesque
Boil a lobster alive: Fine dining

Cut a fold of skin off a cat's back: Evil, twisted, mutilator of defenceless animals
Cut a fold of skin off a lamb's back: Mulesing

Snap a dove's neck: Psychopath
Snap a chicken's neck: Backyard, family farming

Shoot a dog in the head with a bolt gun: Monstrous barbarism
Shoot a cow in the head with a bolt gun: Humane

Free a dog from a Chinese dog meat farm: Hero
Free a rat from an experimentation lab: Terrorist

Abstain from eating cockroach vomit: Normal
Abstain from eating bee vomit: Extreme; too far

Condemn someone for harming dogs and cats: Kind-hearted, compassionate soul
Condemn someone for harming pigs and cows: Militant; religious fanatic; forcing your views on others

Campaign tirelessly against the dog meat trade: "Wonderful person! Keep up the fight!"
Campaign tirelessly against the chicken meat trade: "Idiot! You'll never change anything!"

Pack dogs onto a crowded truck for a gruelling 1,000 mile journey to be slaughtered abroad: "Animal torturer! Scum!"
Pack sheep onto a crowded truck for a gruelling 1,000 mile journey to be slaughtered abroad: Exporting goods

Kill a cat for a religious festival and say grace over the corpse: Uncivilised barbarians
Kill a turkey for a religious festival and say grace over the corpse: Christmas

Pull a parrot's feathers off: Sick individual
Pull a goose's feathers off: "Wow, these pillows are so comfy."

Strip a dog's skin off and wear it: Depraved; psychotic
Strip a cow's skin off and wear it: Fashion statement

Dog farm: "Demonic! The work of Satan himself!"
Sheep farm: "God put them here for us."

Kill a puppy and eat them: "Cowardly bastard! How could you harm a creature that has no chance fighting back against us!"
Kill a chicken and eat them: "We've evolved to be more dominant than they have. It's a dog-eat-dog world."

Hunt a species of large cat to near extinction: "Disgraceful! We must do everything in our power to conserve them!"
Fish a species of large fish to near extinction: "Tuna salad, anyone?"

Another excellent writing from George Martin


Wednesday 10 May 2017

Imagine a world where rape is legal....

A wonderfully comprehensive post from Rishi Patel - http://facebook.com/Forourunspokenfriends:

Imagine for a minute that you live in a world where rape is legal; the norm and carried out on a daily basis all around you by the vast majority of men.

Imagine that you are an anti rape campaigner, dedicating your life to ending this atrocious, barbaric act of violence against women.

However, each and every time you speak out against it you are labelled as 'weird' 'extreme' 'closed minded' and belonging to a cult. Imagine that the 'justifications' you get from the masses for them raping women are the following:

'Lions tho...lions rape lionesses, are you gonna tell lions to stop'

'Nature tho, it happens in the jungle all the time'

'Animals rape other animals tho'

'It's been happening for thousands of years tho, what about cavemen tho?'

'Women were put here for us to rape them tho'

'If we don't rape them, they will take over and rape us tho'

'There are far more important issues in the word tho, kids are starving in Africa and you're worried about consent?'

'It's a personal choice tho'

'You're forcing your opinions on me tho'

'I respect your choice not to rape, why can't you respect my choice to do so, stop being so self righteous'

'It's just something we're gonna have to agree to disagree on'
'It feels good tho'

Non vegans - Are you appalled by the above? Outraged?

So am I. But, there is a difference.

Me and my fellow vegan activists are not just sickened when we hear rape being 'justified' by the above but also when we hear the rape, sexual exploitation, enslavement, torture, mutilation, branding, gassing, stabbing, de-horning, castration, bludgeoning and scalding of BILLIONS of our animal friends each year being 'justified' by the above 'arguments' from Carnists desperate to feed their addiction to animal products. Replace the words 'women' and 'rape' above with 'animals' and 'eat' and you have the arguments that we hear from non vegans each and every day.

These are the 'arguments' that me and my fellow vegan activists hear every day from non-vegan Carnists who attempt to justify being complicit in the daily torture, enslavement, rape and murder of over 150 BILLION animals each year in order to continue satisfying their own taste buds.

Why is it that when it comes to harming animals, putting them through a lifetime of hell, misery, pain and suffering all of sudden 'lions tho' 'we've been doing it for years tho' 'nature tho' and 'they were put here for us tho' seem to fly just fine for the masses? Why are you disgusted by the above arguments when they are used to justify the rape of humans but more than happy to put forward these very same arguments when it comes to trying to justify the rape, sexual exploitation and commodification of animals?

Are animals lives worth less than humans?

Do animals deserve less respect than humans?

Are we a superior species?

Do you think that it is not rape if you forcibly impregnate a female animal with a metal rod whilst they are restrained in a 'rape rack' trying to escape in order to forcibly impregnate them and then take their babies away from them and then shoot those babies in the head if they are male and then repeat the process year after year after year (meat and dairy industry practices)?

When you justify harming animals for your own personal pleasure, gluttony, greed and vanity with the above 'arguments' you sound just as pathetic to those seeking justice for animals as those who justify rape with the above 'arguments' sound to you.

Please, watch the short video below and share widely. This video has the potential to really start a huge shift in the way people view the horrific, sadistic manner with which we treat animals and expose the double standards and hypocrisy of non vegans.

Thanks George Martin and Aidan (Hayden) for sharing this video and initially writing about it. The coward that I am I was too scared at first to write this post.

Let's end The Animal Holocaust, the largest and longest running murder campaign in history with nothing else even coming close to it, in our lifetime.