Tuesday 20 June 2017

It's hot today, right? Imagine....

Non vegans - been struggling with the heat the past few days? Suffered from sunstroke? Been dehydrated? Felt like you were about to faint?
Just for a minute, imagine what it must be like to be crammed onto a concentration camp truck in this scorching heat, packed shoulder to shoulder with your friends and family. Sick, injured, vomiting, disease ridden and dehydrated you are being driven many, many miles to your execution (without so much as a drop of water) where you will spend your final moments in agony, wondering what you have ever done to deserve so much pain and torment.
Imagine that your only crime is that you were not born a human and that your very existence and suffering is mocked, laughed at and trivialised with others valuing your life less than their tastebuds.
Non vegans, welcome to the world of your victims. Welcome to the world of chickens, pigs, cows, lambs, turkeys and ducks.
When you get sunstroke, faint or start to get dehydrated, you will generally have someone come to your help. You will generally be able to find some shade/drink some water/find an air conditioned place/turn on a fan. For the animals, there is no respite. There is no end to their suffering and there is no one to help them. They must suffer right until the very end, right until their lives are taken from them.
If I had to endure that they do, I would look forward to the moment my life is taken from me. I would wish for it every second of every single day, for the pain to just finally stop and for my life to be over.
It is your money that is funding this madness, non vegans. You can directly help put an end to this massacre, the largest massacre in history. All you have to do is leave animal corpses and the things that come out of animals (milk + milk based foods, eggs, honey) off your plate and their skin off your body. How hard is that? Is the 'pain', discomfort and inconvenience that you will endure by giving up cheese, milk, eggs and meat worse than the suffering of that 'spent' dairy cow being driven to the slaughterhouse because she can no longer produce profitable amounts of 'organic', 'free range', 'humane' milk?
Again, imagine if it was you or your mother, father, brother or sister on that extermination truck today, yesterday or on Sunday. No one deserves that. You would not wish what happens to cows, pigs, chickens, lambs, turkeys and ducks on your worst enemy.
Your worst nightmares put together would not add up to be a fraction of what these animals endure.
You don't have to love animals to agree that is wrong to do this to them. I am not an animal lover. You simply have to be against unnecessary violence towards others and against exploiting and abusing those at our mercy. What we put billions of animals through each and every year is a gross injustice, the most horrific act of injustice in history. You can either be a part of it or be vegan, and fight to put an end to it.
Please, have mercy on them.

By Rishi. J. Patel:

Vegan Dogs...

"Oh. Okay. So what's that you're feeding your dog?"

"Remnants of penises, anuses, eyeballs, gums and vaginas from a whole bunch of animals my chihuahua Mr Fluffywuggles would never naturally hunt or even dare bark at, scraped off a factory floor and muddled together in a tin"

George Martin

Just to add - the majority of dog food (apart from the 'meat' bit as outlined by George above), is cereal...

And, just as another addition, the oldest dog in the world, who lived to 25 human years, was a vegan dog.

If you are ultra careful in ensuring that the nutrients that your dog eats is what he or she needs, then it doesn't matter what the packaging of those nutrients are - except it DOES matter to the animal that has to die to meet meat demand...


Saturday 10 June 2017

Veganism is a white-privileged thing...

"Veganism is a white-privileged thing."
If only the people who spewed this drivel realised how harmful to POC and poor people this actually is.
Are we supposed to believe that ONLY white and/or privileged people are capable of behaving ethically? Is compassion and decency solely a white trait, and do only the rich understand what it means to be a good person?
Given that the type of people who use this phrase generally associate oppressive behaviour to white people, I'm not quite sure what they're trying to achieve here. If anything, surely a more logical statement for them to make would be, "Since rich white people are oppressors, veganism is very much a non-privileged POC thing".
Seeing as veganism is about abstaining from oppression, calling veganism a "white-privileged thing" is as nonsensical as calling anti racism, anti homophobia, and anti sexism a "white-privileged thing".

Another excellent writing from George Martin