Sunday 4 February 2018

'I wish I had never been born'

One of the excuses vegans hear quite a lot is something along the lines of  'but at least the animals had a life, being born is better than not even being born at all'.

Being born into a life of misery - snatched from your mother within two days, being kept isolated to fatten up for veal or to become bacon or to grow up and live a few years as a dairy cow with all the implications of that (forcibly impregnated, baby taken from mother, hooked up to painful machinery to extract her milk meant for her calf, killed between 4 and 6 years when she could live a full life of between 18 and 20 years) etc, is not a life worth living.

Place this same argument on a dog bred for fighting. Or worse - a dog bred as dog fighting bait. Does anyone think that it's better that a dog is born simply to experience human betrayal and a life of pain and misery?

My final argument is that if anyone believes that being born is better than not being born at all - you wouldn't eat eggs. Why are you depriving a life being born at all when you eat eggs?

The hypocrisy of the arguments for animal agriculture are simply inane.

1 comment:

  1. I find my life miserable and often wish I had never lived at all. With the misery those animals have to suffer I absolutely have to agree with you it is better to never exist than having to exist in a life of misery.
