Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Seven Facing Questions

Here is a post from a fellow vegan whom I am friends with on Facebook:

If someone is absolutely sure of their belief that there is nothing wrong with the purchasing and consumption of meat and animal products, then it would only make sense that they are able to COMFORTABLY answer the following questions (none of which are hypothetical, and all of which are based on the reality of animal agriculture).

So anyone out there who is sure there is nothing morally wrong with it, I would love to please know your answers to the below:

1. How old should calves be before they're separated from their mothers so that we can consume their milk? And for the male ones, how soon after separation should they be sent to slaughter?

2. What is your preferred method of killing male chicks, who are of no use to the egg industry because they can't lay, and no use to the meat industry because they don't grow fast enough for meat? Are you a grinding machine type or more of a suffocate in large sacks kind of person?

3. Which wild animals do you think need culling the most in order to protect your livestock before you purchase it? Do you think foxes or badgers, for example, are the biggest threat at the moment to the products you want to buy, and would you rather they were shot or hunted with dogs?

4. How long, ideally, should a journey be from farm to slaughterhouse for the animals you eat, on the slaughterhouse truck they're crammed on to?

5. How do you prefer the animals are taken off the truck into the slaughterhouse for their execution? For example, do you prefer the use of an electric prod, or should they just be kicked/thrown off?

6. What is your favourite way to impregnate a female animal? Do you prefer they are molested by hand, or that a metallic object is thrust into their vagina in order to impregnate them?

7. Are all of the above really worth it for a sandwich, and do they genuinely comprise something worth arguing for in general?

George Martin

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