I am very proud to have met a young man, Ali Tabrizi a couple of years ago. He was, at the time, presenting at the Birkbeck University who have a Friday evening sort of 'open mic' night where people can present things they feel passionate about.
Ali's talk that evening was an exploration and research into looking at alternative ways to consume food in order to minimise the destructivity that humans have ended up perpetuating upon this blue planet that we call home but treat like a rubbish tip.
He spoke of vegetarian, veganism and even opened up the subject of breatharianism. I was mesmerised by his compassion, not only towards the planet and the animals that live upon her, but also towards his fellow humans, even though we do what we do. He didn't come across as judgemental in any way, just hyper concerned for his and all beings future.
I spoke to him after his talk and I knew that here was a very real, caring, internally wonderful young man and I have since been watching his progress, his ever deepening journey into what appears to be the impossible - educating the human world to wake it up to what we are doing, what we are leaving to the next generations to have to deal with.
Please do watch his Seaspiracy: What you should know about fish, the ocean and more documentary here:
And follow his youtube channel here:
And let's back him up, if not for ourselves, but for our children and their children.
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